What is your multiplier?

I firmly believe that whatever you put out, you will get back 10 fold.  So, if you are putting out negativity and hate, that’s what the universe will bring back to you.   Your intentions are like a magnifying make-up mirror, so when you radiate positivity, instead you are sure to the warmth and love of others (instead of seeing your enlarged pores). 

I have been intentionally looking for the good; in myself, in others, in nature, all around and lately I have felt very loved and supported.  I am so lucky to have some amazing cheerleaders in my life, especially my family and friends.  I checked my mail today and received a super thoughtful card and T-shirt from my friend Jenn, reminding me never to forget where I came from as well as an inspirational card from my mom.  (Thanks Jenn and Mom!).

So today hold your head up, be proud of your accomplishments, and smile.

Peace and Love,
